Video of Funny Amy Schumer but Its Only 1 Second Long

Amy Schumer: Growing (2019) Poster

2 /10

First Half An Improvement, Second Half An Abomination

I know there's going to be an almost unending run of one-star reviews here, just because it's fun to trash Amy Schumer, but the first half of this is actually an improvement over her last special.

Schumer clearly has *some* comedic skills: whether, like so many of her past jokes, they've all been stolen from other people, I don't know (there ARE a bunch of postures and facial expressions in this one she seems to have lifted wholesale from Louis CK).

I think the problem is they are not in service to anything: she herself has nothing of any real interest, novelty or depth to say. The subject matter never once leaves herself, and generally just tends to return to the familiarly lazy remarks on her own slobbishness, guaranteed to arouse whooping "you go girl"s from her bovine crowd. There's not very many jokes, as such, and the ones there are aren't very funny.

The second half is where it really nosedives and she gets into her cringey NPC feminist talking points. Without her awful, awful, awful politics shoehorned in, this would have been a solid 4: poor but not irredeemable. But with them, she ruins any goodwill or willingness to hear her out, and so the whole special itself.

TLDR: I guarantee you will not laugh once.

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2 /10

Pretty Bad

Amy Schumer's new netflix concert is out and on the positive note it's much better than her last horrible one. You know, the one where she wore a leather outfit and talked about her smelly feminine organs. She's pregnant now and more or less talks about that subject for the whole hour. Some of her observations are pretty funny, especially early on. But after a while it just gets OLD. Even the crowd gets quiet at times, like they're hoping dearly for anything to laugh at. I have nothing against Amy as a comedian but God, what a long boring show.

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3 /10

I Will Start Looking at IMDB Ratings Instead of Netflix Ratings

Warning: Spoilers

The Netflix rating system is deceptive. Amy Schumer was funny one time in this show for me. Only one time when she showed a painting that kind of looked like Markiplier with blonde hair. Nothing more, nothing less. Unfortunately, I was wanting something more than this standup comedy. Amy's career in comedy is not panning out in a way that makes her truly funny but more like she is profitable. She has predictably talked about almost the same thing she talked about in The Leather Special that has been said here in Growing. It looks like there is no growing but stagnating and sleeping with Netflix employees or something to get high ratings on Netflix. All I know is that Amy Schumer is not funny anymore. Discussing tampons in that manner and talking about how girls date jackbutts and Amy getting sentimental were all ingredients to make me not have an easy time laughing.

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1 /10

And again....

Netflix is still pretending that she is funny. The woman that made them scrap the rating system and messed up their algorithms just because they couldn't accept that she isn't funny.

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1 /10


The sooner Amy Schumer, and the people who keep funding her stand-up specials realise that she isn't funny, the better! I will give her this, though, she's managed to forge an entire career out of being obnoxious and loud.

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1 /10

Just when you thought she couldn't get any worse.

Worst comedy show on netflix. Disgusting woman who is just unfunny, no idea why she would get a special. Shame on you netflix.

To be fair, I did stop watching after 40 minutes in....... I just couldn't take it any longer. Check out Katherine Ryan, if you want to see a funny lady.

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2 /10

Not funny is the new funny

Schumer is a competent standup in terms of her performance. Her delivery is solid but there's no writing here. If anyone could make this material funny it would be her, but even she can't. It's lazy. It's joke free. The whole thing can be summarised as follows. "I'm pregnant and my husband is autistic. " Hilarious!

Ms Schumer was a better writer when she was dating a Anthony Jeselnik. Now she's married to a chef the influence of her partner is more visual than cerebral.

Fortunately she's become a good comic actress. More movies and fewer specials please Amy.

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1 /10


Netflix must be entwined in some sort of mutually assured destruction pact with this painfully unfunny, burned-out lump. Wasn't the first sinking of the USS Schumer 'comedy special' the reason Netflix had to detonate their entire rating system? I'm not just 'throwing rocks' here. Like Malcolm McDowel in 'A Clockwork Orange', with his eyelids mechanically pryed open, I forced myself to watch 'Amy Schumer Growing' and had to stop myself from leaping from my rooftop only minutes in to this awful disaster. GIVE IT UP, NETFLIX! There's nothing you can do to make us want this tripe.

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1 /10

Who are these people laughing at those tampon jokes?

Seriously I want to know. She is making the same jokes special after special there are these people laughing. This is an insult to comedy. I always try to give her a chance that she might surprise me. I am stupider than her audience I guess.

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2 /10

Deteriorating Comedy

Warning: Spoilers

I was a fan of the Amy Schumer of old. She herself can be funny but it appears like she feels she has to pander to odd "feminist" view points & its slowly destroying her material. She literally had a joke about pulling out used tampons & showing it around because it's the "equivalent" to guys who all apparently like to show their privates publicly. False equivalency & nonsensical. She also had points on needing more female Ieaders, good right?.. so she can ask them questions like why her discharge is brown... I legitimately felt disgusted at parts. Furthermore, Amy ended the special with what I SWEAR was a Louis ck joke about having to wait to find a significant other.

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1 /10


I've always thought her face looked like Miss Piggy (which is not meant as an insult because Miss Piggy is cute) on Sesame Street and that she is not funny, but I thought I'd give this a chance. Pushed myself to watch for 15 minutes and then gave up. Wearing a nightgown-like tent, and lifting it up to show her bump, she is just so not funny. It's sad. She is so grateful she finally got married and having a kid. Talentlessness seems to get center stage.

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Please Netflix, invest in other female comedians

What's with the reviewers who say "As a woman...."? Like that should matter and implying just because you're a women, you should love it? Yes, I'm a woman, but even if I weren't, I can't imagine how anyone would think this is deserving of another Netflix special. Can she write anyone other than "vag jokes"? If they were actually funny, then cool. But, they're not. I can't think of any male comedian who does a full set of practically nothing but NOT FUNNY d*ck jokes. If she's trying to brand herself as "nasty," fine. But, don't subject paying subscribers to this. There are so many other funny, female, comedians that Netflix could be investing in.

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1 /10

Impressively bad

Amy Schumer in a nutshell:

Men make gross jokes in comedy and they get away with it, I'm going to do it too!

**makes one comedy special, is kinda funny just because it is actually slightly unique**

**keeps doing the same thing over and over and over even thought it wasn't even funny beyond the first time**

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1 /10

I think she used to be funny

I used to watch her and laugh, but now I'm wondering if it was her humor or because she was one of the first female comedians to be so brash? Her movie Trainwreck was funny, but it's an ensemble. I tried again with Growing and made it almost halfway through, but it's just terrible. Maybe she, like Kathy Griffin, is choosing to focus on a specific demographic rather than trying to appeal to a wide audience. Focusing on a specific slice of the audience pie probably creates a more loyal following, so maybe it makes sense from a business point. Whether she's doing it on purpose or accident, I must not fall into the group she's making laugh because her standup is horrible.

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1 /10

Damn, this was a waste of my time

I decide to not let the hate she is getting influence my opinion. But too much is too much. How can someone be that unfunny, i'm pretty sure i didnt watch a comedy show but 1h30 of someone telling me how better she is then her audience. I don't understand how netflix let her have 2 comedy special, and weirdly i get the impression she repeat some joke i heard from someone else but less funny. But it could be just me

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2 /10

Still not funny

Nebz 23 March 2019

How long can Amy Schumer hide behind her excuse that men hate women and that's why they don't like her?

I paid around $200 to watch Ronda Rousey fight. Is it because I hate women? Obviously it's because I enjoy watching people who are amazing at something do their thing. Amy Schumer is not amazing or even good. Why should we celebrate mediocrity, because she's female? Please.

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1 /10

Complete narcissist

This is not funny at all. Don't watch it. Literally every two minutes is Amy making jokes about her vagina, sex, or being drunk. Why does this pass for comedy? It's obvious the audience doesn't even think it's that funny.

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1 /10


If crude, disgusting, immoral, vulgar, nasty, unladylike, liberal agenda comedy is your thing, then you will absolutely love this.

If you have respect for yourself, and have morals and values, this probably won't be enjoyable for you.


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1 /10

Frick Amy Schumer

Amy's not funny and she never will be I do t hare people but I hate Amy she is a terrible comedian and doesn't know when enough is enough and I like offensive comedy I love Jom Norton, Anthony Jeselnik, and Daniel Tosh but I couldn't watch the preview to this

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1 /10

Bigger is not better.

It would seem that Amy Schumer is finding it increasingly harder to steal good jokes. A career built on political correctness in so far as you cannot say the "FAT UGLY WOMAN is not funny" even though she trades on these traits. Go away and get some other gender balanced job that doesn't have a camera or a microphone in the room.

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7 /10

What's with the bad reviews and hate?

I usually do go by IMDB ratings before I watch any movies or tv shows. I'm not a big fan of Amy Schumer and none of the mainstream movies she's acted in were funny but this stand up special was.

Needless to say her pregnancy IS the highlight and key topic but then again it doesn't take a genius to decipher that given the name of the Special is 'Growing!'.

I'm sure most of the low ratings are given by certain male reviewers who can't sit through details about the Period or laugh at themselves for a change.

Yes there are some dry moments but overall I loved it. It was relatable and funny. Period. ;)

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1 /10

If you thought the Last Special was bad.....downhill

I feel bad for anyone that paid money to see this live. If you to stream it, then it's like Thank God this was "free"...... Growing is a perfect example of Doesn't Age Well. Amy Schumer early comedy was funny in clips, and few min bits. But for anything longer than 10 mins, this comedy just don't have the "chops". Thats the best way to explain the last two specials (bombing). She got popular with little clips and bits, pandered to low hanging fruit in the first special......BUT any kind of long term longevity is not there. right now she is banking on her pregnancy, and initial marriage quips to fill the gap of Slut/pussy humor/uncomfortable abortion jokes/fat eating routine. It's not good, it's not funny, and many times slightly uncomfortable. I hate to rate this 1 star now, because the next special you know will be all about how horrible parent she is (not saying she will be a horrible parent, but that is how the jokes will be written), and how big her pussy is now. So i hate to use the 1 star now, because the future could be so much worse.

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1 /10


Netflix really needs to stop allowing this person to put comedy specials on this service or I will cancel. They've already pushed it by cancelling the Marvel shows, Sense8 and now Travelers. They're really pushing the limit on what they think is good and keep and what everyone else thinks is good quality and you cancel.

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1 /10

Waste of Time.

Joke stealer at it again. Why is this even on Netflix? Just awful and cringworthy

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